how to plan a link building strategy right away

How to Plan a Linkbuilding Campaign Rightly ~ No (5) Is Awesome

Are you about to launch a LINK BUILDING Campaign?

Well, You need to stop right now:

Before moving, Let’s talk about Link-building, planning, strategy and analysis. 3 important concepts in SEO (and in many other professions) that if they come together and work well, their results can be very profitable for any business.

Before starting with SEO blog tips on how to plan a link-building campaign, I would like to dismantle certain myths about Link building that have been discussed for a long time and really are not true at all …


how to plan a link building strategy right away

  • Excesses of Anchor Text: It is said, it is said, that the excess of anchor texts in your profile links (especially in important keywords), makes you penalize. This is not entirely true, since it depends on the market niche in which we are trying to position ourselves.


  • Sidebars and Footers: You can not put links in Sidebars and Footers! Another magic phrase and as in the previous case false, since it depends on the niche that we face and depends on the% of links of that type are taken in the overall profile of links. If you have 30 links of that type but the full profile of links is 7900 links, the reality is that not even 1% links of this type.


  • Same IPs or Class: In addition this is something that every day I read and listen more … And then comes to my mind powerful networks like EPI, and many others that you will surely also know.


  • % Exact Dofollow + Nofollow: Again in this case we have to use the word “depends”, since the exact% of Dofollow / Nofollow links will depend on the niche market, and this can be known with the steps that I will tell you as long of this post.


Ahrefs is not always the key: I have read, seen and heard how many professionals value the links profiles of the sector’s competitors that are studying based on the data reflected by Ahrefs.

This is a mistake since Ahrefs does not read all the links and basing a complete Link building strategy on this is a serious mistake, you have to use other tools and keep in mind that you will never know all the links that your competition has, besides that competitors can also block many links so that the tools are not able to read them.

Here you can also use Majestic SEO and Open Site Explorer, but keep in mind that you will never know 100% of the links obtained from your competition or with 20 tools.


  • In spite of everything shown, the advisable thing (within a general situation not studied) is always to have% of natural anchors text, not to link from sidebars or footers, to link from different Ips and Classes A, B and C, keep a % of links DO and Nofollow correct and analyze the competition with the only tool we have.
  • But “I stress”, these rules are general, without any study in particular and yes an average of many studies. That is why I make this article, to show how a study is done and thus be able to forget the standards that do so much damage.

Steps to plan a Link building Campaign

Throughout this post you will find the steps that I follow when making a link planning before studying the competition. In the following lines, keep in mind that when I speak of competitors, I refer to the leaders of a market in which your project wants to position itself in the first positions.


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  1. Studying the Direct Competition

This is the first step you must take when planning a Link building campaign. You must identify direct competition, analyze their profiles links, group matches and make a comparative situation to see how your project is compared to your competitors.

You can start using standard values ​​that show us the tools:


  • DR: Domain Rating. It is a metric of Ahrefs that gives an approximate value of the strength of the domain analyzed.
  • DA: Domain Authority. According to Open Site Explorer the approximate strength of a domain.
  • TF: Trust Flow. This is a Majestic metric that serves to identify clicks from a set of trusted sites that link us. In short, it helps to identify if the links we receive are of quality (of course, according to Majestic).
  • CF: Citation Flow. Another Majestic metric, which indicates the number of mentions from other pages that are received.
  • In addition to taking the values ​​of these metrics from your main competitors and comparing them with yours, I also recommend using the Ahrefs option of Domain Comparison, where you can compare up to 5 domains and you will obtain all the necessary data to get a real idea of ​​the state of your project in comparison with your direct competition.


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  1. Calculating the average amount of links / 10 days obtained


For this option I have to recognize that the tool that I like the most is Ahrefs, for the clarity of its graphics. What you must do in this step is to calculate the number of links obtained every 10 days / 15 days or month, from each of your competitors and establish an average, always taking into account that you will not show us all the links, as I mentioned above. It is for this reason that you can always establish a few more links that absolutely nothing will happen.

With this information you will already know how many links you can get more or less per month for your project.


  1. Calculating the optimal Anchor Text%


For this step I recommend using mainly 2 tools, Majestic SEO and Ahrefs, with these 2 tools you will get the approximate values ​​of the anchor text that your competition uses and with this and the previous step you will have some very good data to start with your Links strategy .


  1. Calculating the% of Nofollow Links required

This step is really the simplest, you simply have to identify the% of Nofollow links that each one of your competitors has and establish an average.


You can do this with the tool you want, always bearing in mind that you are working with approximate data and never 100% accurate.


  1. Getting popular links

This step is one of the ones I like the most. It is about identifying the strongest links that the competition has and making a list of all of them so that when you start your strategy, you will be able to obtain them little by little and following the guidelines set after your study.


For this step I recommend using Ahrefs, Majestic SEO and Open Site Explorer, download the CSV and join them to get as much information as possible.


In addition to this there is also a very good trick that you can do to go working. It’s about identifying the links that are repeated in your competitors, that is, the links they have in common.

You can do this with the tools we have mentioned or directly with a tool that already gives you this information, it is Seoprofiler, which has a very good option that takes out the links that your competitors have in common and with this we have an advantage huge competitive ?.


  1. 6. Calculating the time and the economic investment to be made


This is the last step you must do when planning your link strategy, now you must calculate the time you need to reach and exceed your competitors and establish a total economic investment that will be divided among the weeks / months that you will need until you get all the proposed links, here is an example of what I’m talking about.


Now that you know these 7 steps you already have everything you need to carry out a link building campaign and have everything under control.

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