What do the ticks mean on whatsapp? Probably you may be asking the question for long time on yahoo answers and wanting to learn the right meaning of the tick marks you are addressing in your whatsapp! Right? Yes, you are looking these new appearance after updating the current whats-app version to a new version. Whenever you send any message to your friends or any whatsapp groups you may get notice one or double tick marks in your whats app message. Do you know what do the ticks mean in whatsapp exactly and why all these ticks marks your watching on your whats-app? If not then read full post patiently!
What do the ticks mean on Whatsapp?
Basically you may notice two tick marks on your whatsapp or single tick mark and double tick mark. Besides of these single and double ticks, you may watch a clock icon too. Well, these each tick marks are on whatsapp tell you different thing. Here you will show one tick and double tick marks which does not mean similar thing exactly what you thought before! Many whats-app user get confused on the right meaning of these tick marks on their whats-app while composing message. So, beneath i am going to elaborate about all these check marks separately one by one! Look below now-
What does one tick mean on Whatsapp exactly?
Basically whenever you send message you may see one tick mark showing in your Whats-App message. Actually that do not mean that your message has been sent to your friends mobile! This single check mark is indicating, that the message has been just sent on “the whats-app server”. Let us repeat it again for easy understanding. After writing message and pressing “done” button you will look one gray color tick mark. Actually it means your message has accurately uploaded to Whatsapp server. Then whatsapp server will automatically deliver this message to the recipient (Your friends whatsapp account) for whom you are forwarding message. For this reason you can see one tick mark on whatsapp usually! I prospect, you have got the answer on what does one tick marks mean on whatsapp.
Now move to the next question about double check marks mean on whatsapp! Right?
What does double check marks mean in whatsapp?
This question is also asked by a lot of whats-app users consistently. Still they mislead about the mean of double check marks in whatsapp rightly! Well, in this point, i am going to tell you what the exact mean of double tick mark you normally see after sending message on whatsapp! Okay?
In fact, double check mean that the message has been sent to the ‘recipient device’. I explained this part above that, one tick mean the message has sent to whatsapp server already. In this case, double check mean message has delivered from whatsapp server to the user’s device. It does not say that your message has read by ‘recipient’ already!
Some of us get confused on the issue, double check or double tick marks tells that the message has read by ‘the recipient’. That is actually not the right thinking! You will only be watchable Double tick marks seeing on your whats-app when the message successfully deliver from ‘your phone’ to your ‘friends phone’ or whom you are forwarding message in whatsapp. In clearly, the double tick mean the message has just delivered but not already READ! I hope now you are now fully clear about the mean of double tick on whatsapp!
I have tried best to point out the right answer you are asking for. If you have recently moved your whatsapp to a new version then you may normally have some confusion about the new features like one tick marks mean, two ticks marks mean, a clock icon mean etc. I wish you got the correct answer on what do the ticks mean on whatsapp! Right?
Now let me know about if you have any questions regarding this topic. I shall try my heart in content to provide you solution on any issue. If you get this post helpful, then please help me to spread the post around the internet by sharing with your friends only making a click on the share buttons below and let them understand about what do the one and double checks means on whatsapp! Do you?